
Here’s What Dental Consultants Know That You Don’t

Every dentist with their own practice or with a dental practice for sale wants it to be successful. A successful practice isn’t born overnight. It takes hard work and a great team. A dental consultant can help dental practitioners build a prosperous business, helping them to put into place systems and strategies that will allow the practitioner to be able to provide the very best service to their patient. But how? What does a dental consultant know that you don’t?

For starters, an experienced dental consultant has helped numerous practices become thriving dental businesses. While dentists have the schooling to become excellent practitioners of dentistry, they may not be able to fully understand the business aspect of running a dental clinic. Spear Education sheds light on a few specific things that dental consultants know that dentists don’t.

“There are gaps between what you do and what you know”

A consultant helps you recognize your strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes, we someone on the outside to look in, hold up a mirror to us and pinpoint the things that we need to fix. An experienced consultant knows that the most resistance happens in the beginning of the process because people tend to think they know best, even when they do not have the experience that a consultant does. It really helps to have someone who is able to work with you and say “Look, this process right here—it’s not working for your business. You know it’s not working for your business. Here are all the problems that this strategy (or lack thereof) is either causing or simply not solving. And here are effective solutions.”

“You need motivation to take action”

Simply saying you want something does not make it happen. Sometimes people do not know how to take the first steps, or they will procrastinate—wait for a sign. A dental practice management consultant knows that the best motivator to get moving and take action is owning what you want to do. You need to set goals and achieve them. A consultant’s job is to work with you to introduce and implement strategies that will drive your energy and focus to build a successful practice. A consultant will help you pinpoint the right time to invest energy and resources by identifying problems and presenting effective solutions.

“You must take consistent action, especially in the beginning of the process”

You cannot drag your feet during the beginning of the consulting process. You have to hit the ground running. People tend to be resistant to change and new ideas, even if what they are doing is not working. That brings us back to the first thing that consultants know—that there are gaps between what you do and what you know. Think that, because they know how to do something that they know everything about the subject matter and that’s dangerous for business.

Whether you are new to owning a practice or have had your own practice for many years and now have a dental office for sale, dental practice management companies can help you make the best decisions for you, your practice and your patients.
